we did it!

カキマラソン走ってきましたーー。完走しましたーー。ポン酢と軍手(走り終わった後食べる牡蠣のための)持参で臨みましたがな。。。しーかーし、出だし好調だったのもつかの間、途中で予期せぬ腹痛にみまわれ、敢えなくペースダウン。途中棄権したいとさえおもいましたが。。。なんとも辛い10kmでした。タイムは59分30秒。ぐやじい。。。また次回にがんばります。。マラソン後は焼き牡蠣がっつり食らいました!(腹痛はいったいどこへ) 私は15か6個、Kさん30個(スゴイ。。)Pさん10個。元とってかえりました(笑)
we’ve(me and my buddy)managed to get through oyster? marathon.yey! I ran 10 km this time.I did well at the beginning... but, suddenly i had bad stomachache on the way-- So it was a tough road for me….:((( my record was 59min30sec. It was not so- good ☹ so. I’ll try to keep in a shape for upcoming marathon! After we ran out,,,of course we ate a lot of grilled oyster:P probably i ate about 15or16?w

Plus…I've just turned a year older yesterday. Thanks for taking care of me all this time,for giving me keys of life I deserve in the most appropriate situation. Thank you,all....